Tower of a church next to Anne Frank's house |
Central Station! |
Now for those of you who are not familiar with certain things Amsterdam is well known for, let me inform you. DISCLAIMER: the discussion of weed will be happening in this post so if you wish to not read about weed here and there, close your eyes or skip out now. SO... famous things in Amsterdam. WEED. weed is legal here, so you may enter into any of the many coffee shops and just order some weed to your liking. IT WAS FUN, I'll leave it at that.
Next thing Amsterdam is well known for: The Red Light District. Now that was something to see. I am not sure how exactly I felt about that. When we first arrived in it, I was utterly astounded. I was SO fascinated that this was actually taking place, legally and in such an organized fashion. Girls were literally standing in full length windows, under a red light, half naked trying to entice men into their rooms. Now I think anyone who knows me knows that I love the male race quite a lot, but I could not help but stare at these girls. Granted some of them were pretty I suppose, that is not why I was looking at them. I was looking because it blew my mind that this was their life and I could not seem to grasp it no matter how long I looked or how hard I thought. I would say among a couple others, I seemed to be the only one in the group who couldn't explore the district enough and could not seem to be anything but fascinated. However, that fascination wore off the next night when I went back. This time, I was devastated. I fel tsick to my stomach when I saw the same girls in the same windows, who I had just seen the previous night. This is when it hit me that THIS IS WHAT THEY DO, all the time. They stand in windows, almost like figurines on display, for people to walk by and stare at. Are they okay with this? Some maybe, but most of them, probably not. Who wants to stand in a window on display while they sell their body. For some reason, this second visit was not something I seemed to be able to handle. I couldn't look this time and I felt awful and uncomfortable and just so sad that this was these girls lives. As we left, I managed to make eye contact with this one girl who was absolutely beautiful and clearly my age. She had been there the night before, and seemed to be more modestly dressed than the rest. And when we exchanged looks, she appeared to look at me with a sort of hope and longing to be out on the street, living a life like I was, instead of standing behind a glass window. This made me feel awful and after a minute or so of this exchange, I had to walk away. This poor girl did not want to be there, and seeing that in her eyes was the hardest part. While some might think I am overly sensitive or too sympathetic for someone who "chose" to make this their life, well I disagree. Although yes this is their choice they have made and seems to be their job, you cannot make the claim that this is what they WANT to be doing. And I am happy they are doing it in a place with rights and protection, but I still wish that they had another chance, somewhere else. Now ask the guys what they thought of the Red Light District and you may get a more simplistic answer!
We managed to ride first class... first and last time us students will do this |
bike bikes and bikes! |
my human gps' You'll noticed i am never involved in maps or directions..... for obvious reasons. |
Now aside from these two big draws, we saw many awesome things. I will present lots of them in photos below, but as a quick overview... SO MANY BIKES. There so many bikes everywhere! A local told me that so frequently people will spend 5 minutes looking for their bike, then when they can't find it, they will grab someone else's! And sometimes, 5 years down the road your bike comes back to you! How cool! Another thing I loved: THE STREET FOOD. Holy moly- we all know junk food is my favorite kind of food, and man was I satisfied. Chipsy King = the greatest french fries with cheese sauce I have ever eaten. Breakfast crepes, candy GALORE, gyros and pizza's, NACHOS, just I can't even explain how much good food there was. Then of course, we got so many mindless souvenirs in which were all quite worth it. But of course, if it weren't for Americans who would buy those stupid things anyway? The canals... EVERYWHERE! So beautiful, lined with flowers and shops. Little bridges cross over each one an the buildings on either side are so picturesque.
had to add this so everyone could appreciate Debbie Stirling's comment: "OH MY GOSH! Who fell in?!" hahahaha |
our boat hostel! |
Lastly, I would like to inform everyone, we did get a bit of education out of this trip. We were able to visit the Anne Frank house, The Van Gogh Museum and get ready... The Sex Museum! Now maybe the first two were a bit more educational than the last but since when is sex not educational? The Anne Frank house was absolutely incredible. It was so touching and such a wonderful piece of history. We were able to walk through the exact house she lived in, learn her escape routes, her hiding places, see original parts of the house and learn everything about her and her journey. We were visitors in her very own house seeing everything through her eyes, as close as it could be done. The one part that I loved the most was watching a video of her father, the only survivor, talking about Anne. He published her book, because that was her dream, and spoke wonders about her. I loved it because he really had no idea what a smart girl she was or all the complex thoughts she had inside her head and he had really grown to appreciate her and everything she stood for. This is why he made sure her thoughts were shared with the world. His love for her was so clear and so refreshing. She had made him so proud and it as like, even though he had lost her, she still lived on and she was still the biggest part of her life. I know I miss my daddy when I'm gone, and man oh man, I know he spends every day missing me ( HAHAHA ) so I can only imagine how her father feels without her. But I love the story because her thoughts are a part of him, which keeps them together. It was an incredible place to see. Definitely one of my favorite places I have been so far on my travels.
Among other things, we explore psychedelic shops, ate lots of junk food and sat in giant clogs! We saw the I AMsterdam sign which was awesome, and of course I did one of my handstands there. We stumbled upon a quilt shop which was AWESOME and I explored it for mom! One of the funnier things we saw was a giant board that said "meeting point" on it at Central Station. On it there was a little note (pictured below) and for the rest of the trip I feared I'd find a note that said "Nellie, we went back to Budapest. Meet you there, JSBP." Luckily, that never happened. But poor Dora, she didn't seem to have the same luck as me. Again, see below.
Amsterdam was really an incredible trip and if I had more money, I'd be back there in a second. It was one of my absolute favorite trips and one day I will be back there. My favorite souvenier was a postcard with a cow peeing on it. I sent it home to dad for obvious reasons.
One of the super cool shops- I loved this hat. The legos on the hat were made out of fimo! |
One of the Canals at night! |
A Canal! |
This picture is just too good to ignore. |
clogs clogs and more clogs! |
The meeting point! |
one of the churches we saw! |
Poor Dora. I didn't know people actually did this..... |
My trip was complete after this. FINALLY a live statue enjoys flipping off the camera as much as I do. |
SO SICK. He sits like this for long periods of time its incredible! |
AMSTERDAM streets! |
I amsterdam! |
Grace and I! |
handstand on the sign! |
The boys! |
oh yes, this is happening. |
entrance of the red light district |
we love the canals |
barely made it out alive |
the stupid hamilton stump. |
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